| London. 19 Nov. 1868.

My dear Sir,

I send you now extracts relating to the Russian Loan hinted at in a former letter. The “Money Market Review” simply reflects the mind of the Money Market.

Yours Truly
K. Marx

 The Money Market Review. Nr. 338, 24. November 1866. S. 578. Von Marx exzerpiert in seinem Exzerptheft „London. 1868“ (MEGA2 IV/19. S. 234).
The Russian Anglo-Dutch Five P.Ct. Loan for £6,000,000.

 Von Marx exzerpiert in seinem Exzerptheft „London. 1868“ (MEGA2 IV/19. S. 234).
It is said that English applications alone for this loan amount to between 20 and 30 millions
. ... there is no doubt that a very large amount of British Capital has been offered for this investment.”

 The Money Market Review. Nr. 338, 24. November 1866. S. 578.
(Money Market Review’. N. 24, 1866)

 The Money Market Review. Nr. 338. Nr. 24. November 1866.
“So complete and unreasoning is the distrust of the public, that a multitude of sound investments are left in utter neglect, though at greatly depressed prices.”

(Money Market Review”. City Article. Nv. 24, ’66)
The Stock Markets.

 Von Marx exzerpiert in seinem Exzerptheft „London. 1868“ (MEGA2 IV/19. S. 235).
“Holders of money are afraid—afraid, at least, | of all the old channels of investment, and capital is only to be tempted for the moment by the invitation of some new Foreign or colonial loan. Of this the enormous application for the Russian, and the marked success of the New Zealand etc loans are proofs. … Doubtless several needy Governments will not delay following in the wake of the Russian. It is a gain, at all events, that there is at length some renewal of investment.”
 The Money Market Review. Nr. 339, 1. Dezember 1866. S. 608/609.
(Money Market Review”. 1 Dec. ’66)

“On Monday (3 Dec.) the letters of allotment of the new Russian Loan were issued (by Baring) … The price ruled between 1⅛ to 1¼ premium. A large amount of the stock has been paid up in full for transmission abroad.”

 The Money Market Review. Nr. 340, 8. Dezember 1866. S. 636-638. Diese Ausgabe exzerpierte Marx in seinem Exzerptheft „London. 1868“ (MEGA2 IV/19. S. 236), exklusive der hier zitierten Stelle.
(Money Market Review’. 8 Dec. 1866)

P. S. I send you by bookpost a  Isidor Gerstenberg: Suggestions for Forming a Council of Foreign Bondholders. London 1868. Siehe auch S. L. Borkheim an Marx, 11.11.1868.
little pamphlet by Gerstenberg
, a German Jew and London Stockbroker. This same Gerstenberg wanted Lord Stanley to interfere on behalf of the British Venezuela bondholders against the Venezuelan Government.

The margin exclamations and so forth I am not responsible for. They belong to my eccentric friend, Mr. Borkheim, wine merchant in the City. He believes that Gerstenberg acts in the under the secret instructions of the Barings. |

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Der Brief besteht aus einem Blatt festem, weißem Papier im Format 230 × 180 mm. Prägung: Ein Vogel mit Vogelnest. Die ersten zwei Seiten hat Marx vollständig, die dritte nur zu zwei Dritteln beschrieben; das letzte Drittel dieser Seite ist ausgeschnitten (Schluss fehlt), die vierte Seite ist leer. Schreibmaterial: schwarze Tinte. Auf dem Briefumschlag befinden sich zwei Poststempel: „London–N.W. 2 No 20 68"; „N. [W.?] 15" (Abstempelung auf der Briefmarke) und eine Briefmarke.

Anmerkungen zum Brief

Collet beantwortet den Brief am 22. November 1868 (Collet an Marx, 22.11.1868).



Karl Marx an Collet Dobson Collet in London. London, Donnerstag, 19. November 1868. In: Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe digital. Hg. von der Internationalen Marx-Engels-Stiftung. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. URL: http://megadigital.bbaw.de/briefe/detail.xql?id=M0004870. Abgerufen am 18.04.2024.