| Dearest Challey,

 Die zwei Briefe von Paul Lafarque an Marx, geschrieben zwischen 21. Juli und Ende Juli 1867, sind nicht überliefert (P. Lafargue an Marx, zw. 21.7. u. Ende Juli 1867 (1), P. Lafargue an Marx, zw. 21.7.u. Ende Juli 1867 (2)).
Paul has already written twice to you
&  Laura Marx. – Der Brief von Laura Marx an Marx, geschrieben zwischen 21. Juli und Ende Juli 1867, ist nicht überliefert (L. Marx an Marx, zw. 21.7. u. Ende Juli 1867).
once—what must you think of my laziness. But it is written that the tailor should stick to his yard & the cobbler to his last &   Jenny Marx (Tochter).
the Emperor of China
to anything but scrabbling, & you know I strictly follow that wise saw.  Ab 21. Juli bis 10. September 1867 befanden sich Marx’ Tochter Jenny, Laura und Eleanor auf der Einladung von Paul Lafargues Eltern in Bordeaux. Siehe Marx an L. Kugelmann, 13.7.1867; Marx an Engels, 20.7.1867 und Marx an Engels, 11.9.1867.
Our journey
was a very pleasant one. We passed the loveliest of spots, particularly as we approached to the South, that made us regret the old-fashioned coaches, & curse that great business-like smoke-breathing giant the railway. We rushed past tall stately trees, plants & bushes of all shades of colour, gay flowers, clustering vines, cozy villages, picturesque valleys & hills, all so gay & smiling—no clouds, or mist, or fog. The clearness & brightness of the air is really wonderful. The change has already done Laura worlds of good. She almost looks herself again. When I look at her   Siehe Marx an Engels, 20.7.1867 und Erl. 
I almost forget the annoyance I feel at the thought of the great expense, of the great sacrifices you are making for us.
It is shameful that you should have such harassing cares & botheration. Oh if I only were a man! A woman as  Gestalt aus der William Shakespeares Tragödie „Othello, the moor of Venice“.
has it is in this loathsome state of society alone fit to chronicle small beer. I could bite my tongue out of my mouth when I think that a Bentzeh(?), a Baguley(?), any idiot in trousers can make his way in | the world & that a woman cannot earn sixpence. But enough—something too much of this—forgive me Challey. To return to Laura. I feel convinced that nothing could have been better for her than this change, it will do her more good than all the homeopaths or allopaths in the world. Throw physic to the dogs! My cough & cold have vanished &  Eleanor Marx.
our little Chinaman
looks more blooming than ever. Paul proved to be a most charming travelling companion. Il était aux petits soins pour nous tous, always full of fun & ever even-tempered. At Paris we spent several hours & saw a great deal of that city—more than I had seen  Jenny Marx (Tochter) besuchte Paris im Juni 1867 zusammen mit Alfred Lormier. Siehe den an sie nach Paris adressierten Brief von Laura Marx, geschrieben in der zweiten Junihälfte (RGASPI, Sign. f. 10, op. 1, d. 142; siehe auch Erl. zu Marx an Engels, 22. Juni 1867).
during my stay of a fortnight
. While sitting at a café in the Boulevarts who should strut past us but old Faraday &  Alice Faraday.
. The old guy was in one of his melting moments, the gaiety of Paris has completely turned his head. We dropped the fantastical fool as soon as possible & rode in an open carriage to the Champs Elysées where we went into one of the Cafés chantant. About 20 women sang. Their musical talents were below zero—the English sing much better—& as to their acting & movements they were without intelligence or grace. | The performance was simply disgusting but it is as well to see such things. It gives one a better idea of the nature & character of Bonaparte’s Empire than a closely written volume of history. One song of  Désirée Emma Valladon.
lets out the whole secret of his success. From the Café we proceded to the station on our expedition to Bordeaux. We travelled during the night & fell in with strange bedfellows. One man, a soldier, followed the example of  in dieser Form bei: Thomas Malory: Le morte d’Arthur. Book VI. The noble tale of Sir Launcelot du Lake. Ch. 14.
a certain dog spoken of by Launcelot
he did not seem to think this was an age to hide one’s virtues in. Oh “hij was en gemeenen jongen”. However he was the source of the greatest enjoyment for Tussy who laughed & set all others laughing from one end of the journey to the other. Arrived at Bordeaux we set out for the house of the Lafargue’s—who received us in the most cordial manner.  François Lafargue.
Lafargue’s father
is a gentleman in the very best sense of that word. Simplicity, manliness, uprightness are his chief characteristics. I am sure he is incapable of any mean action.  Ana Virginia Lafargue.
Madame | Lafargue
is naive, kind, sweet-tempered like a child. They treat us as if we were the oldest friends & do all in their power to make our stay pleasant.  Vermutlich 30. Juni 1867.
On Tuesday
we shall set out for the sea-side.—Bordeaux is a handsome large city, built in the style of Paris. The garden in it is the chief pride of the inhabitants. It is much in the style of the gardens in Germany there is music in it & the people promenade there, & gossip with their friends & acquaintances. There are many fine buildings here, churches & theatres—but as for the people—they are mere digesting machines—they tediously vegetate—there is no life, no “mouvement” in their faces.—It is time to post these lines—so good bye for the present.  Wegen der Ausgaben für die Reise von Marx’ Tochter Jenny nach Paris, die auf Einladung von François Lafargue erfolgte (siehe Marx an Engels, 20.7.1867), war Marx’ Frau Jenny gezwungen, von der geplanten Seebadkurreise Abstand zu nehmen. Siehe den Brief von Jenny Marx (Tochter) an Jenny Marx (Frau), geschrieben vor dem 10. September 1867 (RGASPI, Sign. f. 7, d. 10/4; Erstveröffentlichung in: Perepiska Karla Marksa, Fridricha Engels’sa i členov sem’i Marksa… S. 315) sowie Marx an Engels, 20.7.1867 , Marx an Engels, 13.8.1867, Marx an Engels, 31.8.1867 und Marx an Engels, 11.9.1867.
Möhmchen has I suppose already left London
, so I do not write to her. In case she is still at Modena Villas give my best love to her & also that of Madame Lafargue who particularly wishes to make her acquaintance. Do give us some sign of life—write just only a few lines. Are you satisfied with the proof sheets? Do they arrive more regularly.—Give my love to   Helena Demuth.
& tell her that the dinners here very much resemble hers. Lafargue’s mother is an excellent cook. Many kisses to you all from your affectionate


Zeugenbeschreibung und Überlieferung



Der Brief besteht aus einem Bogen dünnem, weißem Papier im Format 264 × 207 mm. Alle vier Seiten hat Jenny Marx (Tochter) vollständig beschrieben. Schreibmaterial: schwarze Tinte.

Datierung in der Erstveröffentlichung: Ende Juli 1867.

Anmerkungen zum Brief

Zur Datierung: Die Datierung stützt sich auf den Inhalt des Briefes. Ab 21. Juli bis 10. September 1867 befanden sich Marx’ Töchter Jenny, Laura und Eleanor auf Einladung von Paul Lafargues Eltern (François Lafargue, Ana Virginia Lafargue) in Bordeaux (siehe Marx an Engels, 20.7.1867 und 11.9.1867). Dem Inhalt des Briefes nach, schrieb ihn Jenny Marx kurz nach der Ankunft in Bordeaux.



Jenny Marx (Tochter) an Karl Marx in London. Bordeaux, Ende Juli 1867. In: Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe digital. Hg. von der Internationalen Marx-Engels-Stiftung. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. URL: http://megadigital.bbaw.de/briefe/detail.xql?id=M0000310. Abgerufen am 24.04.2024.