| 10 Baÿrische Straße, Leipzig
8 Febr. 66.

Dear Williams!

I am sorry to hear, you have fallen ill again. Poor fellow, I should like to be with you for some time.

 Siehe W. Liebknecht an Marx, 21.1.1866.
My note from Berlin you have received.
I dare say a good address there is now found.  [Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels:] Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei. Veröffentlicht im Februar 1848. London. Neu herausgegeben durch Sigfrid Meyer. Im Selbstverlage (Druck von Gustav Muthschall in Berlin) 1866. Siehe auch W. Liebknecht an Marx, 18.1.1866 sowie Erl.
The manifest will be printed
and,   (Karl Marx:) Manifest an die arbeitende Klasse Europa’s. In: Der Social-Demokrat. Berlin. Nr. 2, Probenr., 21. Dezember 1864. S. 1-3; Nr. 3., Probenr., 30. Dezember 1864. Beil. S. 2. (MEGA2 I/20. S. 16–25 und 920–929). [Karl Marx:] Provisorische Bestimmungen der „Internationalen Arbeiter-Association“. In: Der Social-Demokrat. Berlin. Nr. 10, 18. Januar 1865. S. 2/3. (MEGA2 I/20.S. 54–56 und 992–996). – Siehe auch W. Liebknecht an Marx, 21.1.1866.
if you could send us a corrected copy, the Address and Rules of the I. A. as well.

 Siehe Marx an W. Liebknecht, 15.1.1866 sowie W. Liebknecht an Marx, 18.1.1866 und W. Liebknecht an Marx, 21.1.1866.
Here things are going as well, as can be desired. I have 12 sure members already,
amongst them the whole Committee of  Der Arbeiterbildungsverein in Leipzig. Siehe W. Liebknecht an Marx, 18.1.1866.
the quondam Schulze-Verein,
and all the others people of some influence. In a few days we have a private meeting, and then the thing will be started officially. Without delay I shall communicate you the results,  Zur Bezahlung der Mitgliedskarten der IAA siehe Marx an W. Liebknecht, 15.1.1866.
send you the money for the six cards and ask for more.

To-morrow I lecture about the I. A. in the Buchdruckerverein, and next week in the Arbeiterverein, in summa before more than a thousand workmen. All is prepared, and I shall doubtlessly get good results.

Becker, to whom I have written but to-day, has sent me a lot of “Vorboten” which I have all sold, and shall sell more. I asked him for the address | of those “Lassalleaners”, with whom he is in correspondence. If he should withhold the address, it would not matter, as I have means to get at the few good amongst these people. In fact, many “advances” have been made to me, but in my disgust with the “glorious movement” I repelled them rather rudely. However I think, the moment has come now to collect all the good elements, and to unite them in the I. A.

In case, you have a photograph of yours to spare, send it to me. I should have it multiplied, as so many people bother me about your portrait.

Good bye, my dear Williams, take care of Dowle(?)-health, and don’t forget your

J. Miller.

Many Grüsse from us to you all.  Ernestine Liebknecht.
My wife
is much better (though not well yet) and begs you to tell  Jenny Marx.
Mrs. Williams
and  Jenny Marx (Tochter).
, that the long promised letter will soon be dispatched, accompanied by one of  Alice Liebknecht.
to her Tussy.

Apropos. Eccarius never sent any  „The Workman’s Advocate” (London). Siehe Erl. zu Marx an J. Ph. Becker, zw. 9. u. 15.1.1866.
. I have only the first two numbers. He must not be angry with me, for not having yet sent any correspondence—I was in tremendous tribulation in consequence of two rents having fallen upon me at the same time, my present landlord insisting on | “prenumerando” payment, which unfortunately is rather the rule here. Well, this morning I got rid of the fellow, and you see I at once made use of my regained liberty, and ease of mind. If ever you don’t hear of me for any length of time, you may always be sure that there is some good reason why in the shape of an “ungemüthlichen” Landlord, or something else of that kind. Illnes does not prevent me from writing.

In a hurry!

Zeugenbeschreibung und Überlieferung



Der Brief besteht aus einem Bogen mittelstarkem, blauem, kariertem Papier im Format 285 × 225 mm. Die ersten zwei Seiten hat Liebknecht vollständig beschrieben, die dritte zur Hälfte, die vierte Seite ist leer. Schreibmaterial: schwarze Tinte.




Wilhelm Liebknecht an Karl Marx in London. Leipzig, Donnerstag, 8. Februar 1866. In: Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe digital. Hg. von der Internationalen Marx-Engels-Stiftung. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. URL: http://megadigital.bbaw.de/briefe/detail.xql?id=M0000033. Abgerufen am 19.04.2024.