| 4 Charles Street.
Northampton Square.

Dear Marx

In looking over the Vorbote I find that in our  Vermutlich der Nachdruck der deutschen Übersetzung von „The Belgian Massacres“ aus dem „Social-Demokrat“, erschienen u. d. T. „An die Arbeiter von Europa und den Vereinigten Staaten!“ in: Der Vorbote. Genf. Nr. 6. Juni 1869. S. 87, 90-92, und Nr 7, Juli 1869. S. 111/112 (Siehe MEGA2 I/21. S. 1418).
belgian address
Becker has altogether suppressed my name; as I wish to give him an opportunity of justifying himself | I wrote to him, asking him how it occured that my name did not appear amongst the other officer’s names; if his answer is satisfactory (& I shall be easily satisfied) I shall let the matter rest there but in case his answer should not be satisfactory I certainly shall take steps with a | view of putting myself right with my fellow workmen of Germany & Switzerland; I suppose I need not tell you that I shall not mention a word about the complaints made against Becker in that letter you showed me some 2 or 3 months ago.

I have received a letter from Lyon, for | Dupont, announcing the complete success of the ovalistes and the adhesion of other Lyonnese societies & containing a cheque for £.2.15.5 as part contributions.

It is so long since we had a few hours talk together that I should very much like to see you some evening when you had nothing better to do; perhaps you | might come to my house to night or to morrow night and spend 2 or 3 hours or else I might call at your house on Sunday afternoon, weather permitting, and we might take a walk; still I am not certain whether I shall be able to come on Sunday, my wife | is not in & she might have made arrangements for a trip on that day, in those matters I can but bow to her superior wisdom.

With best regards to Mrs Marx & Daughters, I | remain

fraternally yours
Hn Jung.

5 August 1869.

Zeugenbeschreibung und Überlieferung

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Hermann Jung an Karl Marx in London. London, Donnerstag, 5. August 1869. In: Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe digital. Hg. von der Internationalen Marx-Engels-Stiftung. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. URL: http://megadigital.bbaw.de/briefe/detail.xql?id=M0001143. Abgerufen am 19.04.2024.