| 26 April, 1869.

My dear little Quoquo,

You must really excuse my long silence. I am just head over heels immersed in work.

Now first as to your animals. Sambo has become almost inseparable from me, to make some way or other up for the absence of his supreme master. Blacky behaves always like a gentleman, but a very dull one, too. Tommy has again done everything in her power to prove the truth of the Malthus theory. Helen will to-day, I suppose, murder the new offspring of that old hag. Whiskey, that great and good personage, was at first like Calypso , not to be consoled, desperate at your departure. He declined the finest bones, never left your bedroom, and | altogether exhibited all the symptoms of the deep sufferings of a “schöne Seele”. Still, when your name is uttered, he gets into a fit.—Dicky has turned out a very fine singer, and we both encourage our respective musical talents by mutual “exercises”. Sometimes, however, when I commence whistling, Dicky treats me as Luther treated the devil—he turns his——upon me. Jocko has come out again, but its temper is as bad as possible. Having ascertained that you are absent, it gave vent to every sort of spleen and baffled all Helen’s attempts at coaxing Another source of annoyance for Jocko, was the arrangement of the little garden— a world Jocko considered justly as its own station and domain—by the gardener. Jocko misses its little hills, caves, rents, and all that lively disorder it delighted in.

As to the other “animals”—as they belong not to the dumb sort, but are rather of a most talkative kind, and perfectly able to account for their own doings—I shall just now not lose one syllable upon them.

| On Friday evening, I was at dinner at Beesley’s. Besides myself, there was Crompton, a barrister, and Jung and Dupont. Jung related his own doings. He told them what “happy (literal!) speeches” he made here, and what “cutting hits” he made there. In this world of “Weltschmerz”, discontent, and restlessness, it gladdens your heart to be acquainted with an individual that is “happy” and, moreover, possesses not only one shirt, but Sarah and other good things into the bargain.

Irishman” I send you to morrow.

Many thanks to Cacadou for her letter.

Many kisses to Fouschtra.

And compliments to the African. It will give him great pleasure to hear—if he has not already seen from the French papers, that the first “black” ambassador of the United States has been appointed by Grant. Adio my little Quoquo

Yours Old Nick

Zeugenbeschreibung und Überlieferung



Soweit aus der Fotokopie zu ersehen ist, besteht der Brief aus einem Bogen weißem, dünnem Papier. Auf allen Seiten scheint der Text der Rückseite durch. Marx hat die ersten drei Seiten vollständig beschrieben, davon die zweite Seite zuletzt und quer; die vierte Seite ist leer. Schreibmaterial: schwarze Tinte.

Die Schlusszeilen („papers, that ... Old Nick“ ) sind kopfüber am oberen Rand der zweiten Seite notiert.

Von unbekannter Hand: Bleistiftvermerk „(Tussy)“ oben links auf der ersten Seite.



Karl Marx an Eleanor Marx in Paris. London, Montag, 26. April 1869. In: Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe digital. Hg. von der Internationalen Marx-Engels-Stiftung. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. URL: http://megadigital.bbaw.de/briefe/detail.xql?id=M0001018. Abgerufen am 23.04.2024.