| 19 Oct.

Dear Mohr!

Your letter (through Weiß) received, the Acts also. Your approval gave me much pleasure, your advice (Fremdenpolitik!) shall be followed, if possible.

Yesterday I killed Schweitzer, my short reply knocked him down even physically, the conservatives roared with rage, the others laughed and the “Doppelgänger Wagener’s” stood there speechless, a picture of misery. The day before yesterday I had a tremendous row. I proposed abolition of the standing army, and for a whole hour proved that standing armies ruin the people, destroy liberty, and are unable to uphold the honour and independence of the country. Jena, Baden, Dresden, Luxemburg, Nord Schleswig, Ostseeprovinzen—they had to swallow everything. At first they laughed, then they screamed, then they roared, at last they clenched their fists and seemed ready to tear me down, while from behind old Simson was pecking away at me (he has got ill in consequence of the excitement!)—but I went on and when I concluded, some were rushing at me with uplifted arms, as if they wanted to beat me,—I simply laughed at them. A report you shall soon have. What the Berlin papers bring, is simply miserable. My concluding sentence was: (after I had said, that force was something “relative”, there was no force, to which a greater force could not be opposed, therefore all states founded on brutal force must perish). “A high placed personage | has said, history cannot stand still (General Steinmetz, who sits opposite the tribune asks his neighbour: whom does he mean? Answer: the King! tremendous astonishment of poor Steinmetz). History will not stand still; it will stride away over your work of violence, over your Northern Bund, which for Germany means nothing but division, enslavement and weakness, it will stride away over your Reichstag, that is nothing but the figleaf of Absolutism. (The scene here was really glorious. I walked off, laughing at my antagonists, and when I was half way to my place Simson’s Call to order (the first that was given in this Humbug-Parliament) reached me. I simply turned round with a smiling: Thank you! Simson, who thought he had smashed me, was quite aghast .)

Once during my speech I gave Bismarck who was sitting to my right a hard knock. “Luxemburg, which you have separated from Germany with such “moderation” so “suaviter in modo et fortiter in re”. At this quotation of his Wahlspruch he clenched his fists. “Brave against your unprepared German brethren, “moderate”, like lambs against Bonaparte”, was an other word, that made him wince.

I enclose a little notice, that went through many papers.

Next week we go home. Heaven be praised. My poor children want my attendance sorely.

My love to all. If you write to Berlin, you must write soon; else to Leipzig.


| Apropos. We want to found a weekly paper. Could you not get us some money from England? Two hundred Thaler we have, the “caution” will be procured, all we want is about two hundred Thaler more (weekly paper). This is sufficient, because we are sure of getting at least a thousand subscribers during the first quarter. We have everything here, except money. I for my own part have got into great difficulties through this election 

/ The book I have not yet received.

Eng.’s short review will appear in the Zukunft. /

Zeugenbeschreibung und Überlieferung




Der Brief besteht aus einem Bogen mittelstarkem, weißem Papier im Format 257 × 208 mm. Liebknecht hat die ersten zwei Seiten vollständig, die dritte Seite zur Hälfte beschrieben, die vierte Seite ist leer. Die letzte Passage („The book I have not yet received. Eng.’s short review will appear in the Zukunft.“) steht, quer geschrieben, auf der ersten Seite oben. Schreibmaterial: schwarze Tinte.

Von unbekannter Hand (vermutlich von David Borisovič Rjazanov): auf der ersten Seite oben in der Mitte mit Blaustift die Jahresangabe: „1868“.

Datierung in der Erstveröffentlichung: 19. Oktober 1867.


Anmerkungen zum Brief

Zur Datierung: Da der Brief in inhaltlichem Zusammenhang mit den Briefen von Liebknecht an Marx vom 8. Oktober 1867 (siehe W. Liebknecht an Marx, 8.10.1867 ) und Marx an Engels vom 14. Oktober 1867 (siehe Marx an Engels, 14.10.1867) steht sowie die Information über die Debatte im Norddeutschen Reichstag am 17. und 18. Oktober 1867 enthält (siehe Erl.) ist der Brief auf den 19. Oktober 1867 zu datieren.

Liebknecht beantwortet zwei nicht überlieferte Briefe von Marx,geschrieben zwischen 8. und 14.10.1867 (Marx an W. Liebknecht, zw. 8. u. 14.10.1867) und am 14.10.1867 (Marx an W. Liebknecht, 14.10.1867); siehe W. Liebknecht an Marx, 8.10.1867 und Marx an Engels, 14.10.1867.

Die Beilage („I enclose a little notice“) zum Brief ist nicht überliefert. Siehe Erl.



Wilhelm Liebknecht an Karl Marx in London. Berlin, Samstag, 19. Oktober 1867. In: Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe digital. Hg. von der Internationalen Marx-Engels-Stiftung. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. URL: http://megadigital.bbaw.de/briefe/detail.xql?id=M0000401. Abgerufen am 23.04.2024.