| My dear Challey,

The last letter you had from Modena Villas was such a weighty one, containing, epistles from Möhme, Fox & Tussy that I did not like to try your patience still more by adding a scrawl from myself. But I don't mean to spare you any longer. My tongue itches—I must have a chat with you.—First & foremost then, let me tell you, how delighted I am to hear such a good account of your Publisher. What a blessing it is, he does not resemble that confounded slow-coach Duncker, & what a still greater blessing, that this book will not make its appearance under the auspices of your very good friend Lassalle. Heaven preserve us from our friends!—This morning, Möhme had a letter from Engels (enclosed 10 £). The good old boy is frantic with joy. He says he has never experienced more pleasure than on receiving your last letter. To Ida I fear the news of the speedy publication of your book will give no such unqualified delight. Sie wird sogleich ihrem Ferdinand einen Punsch zurecht brauen u ihn – er mag wollen  | oder nicht – Etwas heraus drucksen lassen. –

Many thanks, my dear Mohr, for the birth-day present contained in your letter. How much I shall miss you on the Ist of May. It will be the first birth-day without you. Shall you be back before the 5th of this month?—It is very kind indeed of you to think of preparing a pleasant stay for me in Germany. However, I must protest against one thing. You seem to think I am much in need of a change, whereas, on the contrary, I can assure you, I am very comfortable where I am. Indeed you are wrong, dear Challey, in supposing that I am in any way “pining away”. Really there isn't the slightest demand for fantastic smiles of pity (I don't know why or wherefore),—although there is a plentiful supply of them. I have not yet come to the strait of requiring all kinds of amusements & excitements. I always find plenty of things to amuse myself with. At present I am thoroughly enjoying Carlyle's Chartism. I much admire his original style, noble aspirations  | good instincts & above all his surpreme contempt for the present “perfect state of society”, the “model English constitution” & the Palaver of its Parliaments reformed & unreformed. But for a' that & a' that, when compared with Engels’ book, Carlyle's appears to me “stale & unprofitable”; I have never before so clearly seen what a difference there is between a scientific & a literary man.—

A few days ago we had a very agreeable surprise. A parcel reached us, containing an iron cross, a silver medal, & a little ring—I don't know whether of brass or gold.—Things we have won at the Polish lottery. Isn't it jolly? The cross was struck in commemoration of the massacres of 61, & has been worn by a Polish woman, until torn from her by the muscovites. It has a Palm branch & crown of thorns, & the word Warsaw engraved on it. The silver medal was made of the spoons etc offered by the nation, & was struck in memory of the gifts of land to the peasants. You can imagine how delighted Tussie is with these things & with what pleasure “Joe” will sport them. At home matters are going on smoothly. | Quicksands have been carefully avoided & up to this moment we have steered clear of rocks & shallows, & are tranquilly floating along on the glassy ocean. The friends we have seen—are Jung who called on us with his wife, Fox calles every sunday & is eloquent on the De Staël, Polish, Irish questions & his beloved Feuillants. When he pulls the currency question out of his bag, I can no longer stand it, & take to my heels & run. We see much of the Secretary for Spain. If you fall in with a likeness of Hegel's you will greatly oblige him by bringing one with you. A-propos speaking of likenesses, reminds me of your promise to have yours taken.—A large vignette you know—I should so much like to have one.—Laura is much better. To-day she is taking a riding-lesson. She sits her horse capitally & looks particularly nice on it. Paul is a “leetle” shaky & sometimes makes free of the horse's mane instead of the reins. These equestrian performances are of course creating quite a sensation at Haverstock Hill—all the neighbours are in a hubbub.—

With love & many kisses

I am, my dearest Challey,
Yours, Jenny.

Laura would like to read Hegel's Philosophy of History. Perhaps you could pick it up in Germany.

Zeugenbeschreibung und Überlieferung




Der Standort der Originalhandschrift ist zur Zeit nicht bekannt. Die Veröffentlichung erfolgt nach einer Fotokopie: RGASPI, Sign. f. 1, op. 5, d. 6357.

Soweit aus der Fotokopie zu ersehen ist, besteht der Brief aus einem Bogen. Prägung: Monogramm „JM“. Jenny Marx (Tochter) hat alle vier Seiten vollständig beschrieben. Die letzte Passage („Laura ... Germany.“) wurde auf dem linken Rand der vierten Seite quer niedergeschrieben.

Von unbekannter Hand: der Vermerk „Avril 1867“ auf der ersten Seite oben rechts.

Archivsignatur auf der ersten und zweiten Seite: „E. 31“.

Datierung in der Erstveröffentlichung: Ende April 1867.

Anmerkungen zum Brief

Zur Datierung: Jenny Marx (Tochter) schreibt offensichtlich an Marx nach Hannover, wo dieser im April und Mai 1867 bei Louis Kugelmann weilte (siehe Erl. zu Marx an Engels 13.4.1867). Sie erwähnt unter anderem den Brief von Eleanor Marx („Tussy“) an Marx, geschrieben am 26. April 1867 (E. Marx an Marx, 26.4.1867), Marx’ Einschätzung des Verlegers vom „Kapital“, Otto Meißner („such a good account of your Publisher“, siehe Marx an Engels, 13.4.1867: „At all events, haben wir in Meißner ...“) und den Brief von Engels an Jenny Marx (Frau) mit den eingelegten 10 £ als „This morning“ erhalten. Engels schickte das Geld am 27. April 1867 (siehe Engels an Marx, 27.4.1867: „schick' ich £ 10“). So kann davon ausgegangen werden, daß der Brief von Jenny Marx (Tochter) am 28. April 1867 verfasst wurde, als Antwort auf einen nicht überlieferten Brief von Marx an seine Familie, geschrieben zwischen 13. und 26. April 1867 (siehe E. Marx an Marx, 26.4.1867 „Just as your letter came“). Marx beantwortet den Brief am 5. Mai 1867 (Marx an J. Marx (Tochter), 5.5.1867).



Jenny Marx (Tochter) an Karl Marx in Hannover. London, Sonntag, 28. April 1867. In: Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe digital. Hg. von der Internationalen Marx-Engels-Stiftung. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. URL: http://megadigital.bbaw.de/briefe/detail.xql?id=M0000257. Abgerufen am 19.04.2024.