| 1 Modena Villas
April 26th/67.

My dear Dada,

Just as your letter came I was declaring that I thought you never could stay away a whole fortnight without writing, & that I never would forgive you, but my rage began to evaporate amazingly quickly as soon as your letter was read, & now I'm actually writing to you.

I have not as I used to do looked in the beds for you, but I constantly sing „Oh! would I were a bird that I might to thee & breathe a loving word to one so dear to me“. has been keeping me in books, he got me Cooper's Deerslayer, Homeward Bound, Eve Effingham, & I am going to read the „Waterwitch“ & Two admirals. You see I'm quite „going the hog“. We had £ 5 sent us from the Cape | which was a very agreeable surprise. I have not arranged your books yet, but I'm going to tomorrow. „The Knight of the Rueful Countenance“, is looking more rueful than ever because his holidays are up next week.

On Good Friday I eat 16 hot cross buns, Laura & Jenny eat 8. Louisa, & Percy Freiligrath came here the other day & Percy jumped out of the window on the first landing, because I said he could not, & he wrote me that he would jump out again if I asked him to. Tommy, Blacky & Whisky send their compliments. Paul & Laura have had three riding lessons. Laura looks very nice in her riding habit, & Paul looks a little shaky. The days after the lessons however both were rather stiff & I had to make Paul a cushion to rest his bruised behind upon. I was much | surprised to receive a letter from Franziska.

Now dear Dady goodbye

Believe me
Your undutyful

Zeugenbeschreibung und Überlieferung




Der Brief besteht aus einem Bogen dünnem, weißem Papier im Format 273 × 211 mm. Die erste und dritte Seite hat Eleanor Marx vollständig beschrieben, die letzten Zeilen befinden sich auf der zweiten Seite, quer niedergeschrieben, die vierte Seite ist leer. Schreibmaterial: schwarze Tinte.

Archivsignatur auf der ersten Seite: „L. 198“.

Anmerkungen zum Brief

Eleanor Marx beantwortet einen nicht überlieferten Brief von Marx, geschrieben zwischen 13. und 26. April 1867 (Marx an E. Marx und Familie Marx, zw. 13. u. 26.4.1867); siehe Marx an Engels, 13.4.1867 und hier („you never could stay away a whole fortnight without writing ...“).



Eleanor Marx an Karl Marx in Hannover. London, Freitag, 26. April 1867. In: Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe digital. Hg. von der Internationalen Marx-Engels-Stiftung. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. URL: http://megadigital.bbaw.de/briefe/detail.xql?id=M0000255. Abgerufen am 19.04.2024.