| Still there are many advantages here & the drawbacks are such as I expected, being inseparable from a school. The windows in the parlour are generally hermetically closed & our bedroom window which overlooks a piece of mountain-land has a blind which resists all attempts to draw it up, or to remove it.

Then when rain keeps us in doors, there is a piano constantly going, which execrations will not silence or it would be mute for ever!—

The regular recurrence of the meals is like the march of destiny—inexorable:—I might sooner move the heavens than retard or hasten supper or breakfast here.

| Miss Davies is always surprised at our eagerness to be out of doors, but the missing of a meal would be an incomprehensible piece of eccentricity in her eyes. Be that as it may I do not intend to take many more “teas” here: the other three meals we are booked for. They haunt me like ghouls—the four monsters—Breakfast, dinner, tea & supper:—they cast shadows before them & behind them & one treads upon the heels of the other.

By the time we have finished the tea we are near the appointed time for supper.

All this I hope may be improved:—I have already | made some innovations & shall make more. Till now I have been solely occupied in finding out about the “nourishment”. I was dreadfully afraid Tussy might be starved & at once laid in a stock of biscuits.—

I gave Miss Davies two pieces of information which she received very quietly:—that I should not go to church on the coming sunday & that I never intended coming home before 9 o'clock. At 9 we sup: talk for an hour with a white dog & then retire to our room where I find just rushlight enough to undress & use my machinery:—

| It rains here, a good deal & till now we have been unable to go field-wards.


Hastings is a divine place & I will uphold its praise against all the costermongers in the world who cry up Margate. Is it the fault of Hastings if Miss Davies has boarders & an old maiden-lady friend called Cax?—


The money arrived here this morning:—I thank you for it & wanted it: for although I had spent nothing but what I was obliged to on bathing-tickets—cab—& some work—I had only a few pence left.—

Your affectionate Laura.

Zeugenbeschreibung und Überlieferung


Der Brief besteht aus einem Bogen mittelstarkem, weißem Papier im Format 225 × 177 mm. Prägung: eine Krone auf einem Schild. Alle vier Seiten hat Laura Marx vollständig beschrieben. Der Anfang des Briefes fehlt. Schreibmaterial: schwarze Tinte.

Archivsignaturen: „X2“ (links) und „17X2“ (rechts) auf der ersten Seite.

Anmerkungen zum Brief

Zur Datierung: Laura beantwortet Marx’ Brief vom 28. August 1866 und bestätigt den Erhalt des Geldes, das Marx mit seinem Brief geschickt hatte (siehe Marx an L. Marx, 28.8.1866: „I enclose ...“). „The money arrived this morning“ – somit ist der Brief wahrscheinlich am 29. August 1866 oder aber kurz darauf geschrieben worden. Datierung in der Erstveröffentlichung: um den 27. August 1866.



Laura Marx an Karl Marx und/oder Jenny Marx in London. Hastings, nicht früher als 29. August 1866. In: Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe digital. Hg. von der Internationalen Marx-Engels-Stiftung. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. URL: http://megadigital.bbaw.de/briefe/detail.xql?id=M0000165. Abgerufen am 16.04.2024.