| 10 Bayrische Str.
Apr. 14, 65.

Dear Williams!

So you are all right again. Well, you had given us a tremendous fright; I really thought you had resolved on doing your enemies the only kindness, they have ever to expect from you, viz removing from this vale of sorrow.—

By the bye, mind what Kugelmann wrote you in his professional capacity. He is an excellent physician.

Now about the Int. A. The six cards are disposed of; for three I have not yet got the money; that for the other three I should send you now, if I had the amount ready. (you will get the 2 reichstaler with one of my next letters). The misfortune is, I am so overwhelmed with work (business-, domestic etc.) that I cannot well attend to those small matters, else I might have squeezed all the money out and disposed of many more cards. However I should like some more, as I have several people willing to join. The members here are all more or less influential men. In a short time I hope to have regular assistance and then better outward results will be shown. I say “outward”—for in reality things have progressed better, than could be expected. The workingmen of this town (and the same holds good for a great part of Germany); but yesterday the unthinking tools (and fools) of the “liberal” middle class, are now fighting under their own banner; of course there is much to be desired yet, still the separation of classes is taking place, the old fusion and confusion (Schulze's “Urbrei”) rapidly giving way to a clearer view of men and things. | I am accused of having thrown the torch of discord in this “democratic” fools' paradise called Leipzig, where the workmen-wolves were grazing peacefully and “kemiedlig” (guess what it means) at the side of the capitalist-lambs “democrats” good and true all of them. Query? Who are the wolves and who the lambs? Omne simile claudicat.) Unfortunately the pious scoundrels, whose bile I have stirred up, put something of a denunciatory character into their attacks, and I must take great care, if I want to avoid a repetition of my last Berlin experience. In spite of the hatred these “Saechser” wear to Bismarck, they would take the slightest hint of his police, to send me into some other Deutsches Vaterland. And especially now they are so terribly afraid of the Pickelhauben.

Now I come to the principal drawback of the I. A. movement in Germany—the necessity of confining ourselves to individual memberships. The “Vereinsgesetze” have lately been carried out with great severity and strictness; here in Saxony the “Arbeiterbildungsvereine” were offered (a few months ago) the “favour” of being allowed to form so called “Gauverbände”, that is, to establish a common organisation and correspondence; but to the “favour” the condition was added, that the societies should not have to meddle with politics, social questions etc. The delegates assembled to examine the “present” had sense and honour enough to decline the gift; but the consequence was that all the “Vereine” have since been put under a pretty close control. Under these circumstances it is quite impossible | to found public sections of the I. A., and to make any considerable Propaganda under its firm. I have lectured about it, everybody is for it, but people don't see of what practical use it is, to join a society, that for them only exists as an ungraspable “idea”. The only way, to make practical direct propaganda for the I. A. would be the establishment of a German Press organ, Becker's Vorbote not being what is wanted. However, I won't dream of such things. Of course, I shall be able, or rather we shall be able to collect a small knot of workmen round the I. A. Banner, but on the whole I must confine myself to work for the principles; and that I have done successfully until now. I must use the existing societies, and before long I hope to have a great many of them at our disposition.

Oh! if we but had a review or a weekly paper, however small! And, as this cannot be, if it were but possible that, besides your Economy, some smaller works could be republished, before all Engels' Lage der arbeitenden etc. in a new Edition. That would be a splendid auxiliary to your work, something like a practical demonstratio ad oculos.

I told you already,—and you must neither forget nor neglect it—that I am on good terms with the South- and Middle german “Volkspartei”, that their organ, Eckard's “Deutsches Wochenblatt” is unreservedly at our service, and that I have some other papers, that will take anything coming from us.

| See, that notices announcing the appearance of the Economy are printed, and published in time; and as soon as the work is out, Engels ought to write a Review ...

You will have perceived that our Fortschrittler are preparing to turn Bismarck's Parliament into a pretext, to run over to him. If he got Bonaparte's help for a war against Austria, or rather if he was allowed to join (as an active or passive ally) Bonaparte in a war against Austria, the whole Fortschrittsparty would be Bonaparto-Bismarckisch. But I don't think Bonaparte will get out of his Mexican scrape in time, for that last convention is only a miserable humbug.—As a reminiscence of the late War panic I will yet tell you, that I never witnessed a more wretched spectacle than those “liberal” (even “democratic”) Philisters cowering down like a flock of sheep, and with eyes shut waiting for the blow to fall down on their posteriors. And we “the nation of thinkers”! Lucus a non lucendo.

Apropos German affairs are now rather interesting, would it not be possible for the “Commonwealth” to take (and pay moderately) a weekly letter from Germany? I am really at my wit's end; all my papers pay badly and irregularly, and those constant money-cares make me half ill. I have about 500 reichstaler a year certain, and want about two hundred more—by God a modest wish!—then I might manage to live—and to work ten times better than at present. You must know, that all German papers, that pay well, either belong to the “Reaction” or to the “Fortschrittler” and so I am sitting between two chairs. It is true, Keil, Brockhaus etc. asked me to write for them, but somehow I found it impossible.

Good bye. Write soon; mind your health; my love to all. My wife encloses a letter.

Yours truly
J. Miller.

/ Dont' forget to send the papers regularly.— I am a Pechvogel; Weiss has been forced out of the Berlin “Reform” and Toby has wormed himself in again. W. had just invited me, to write for the paper!— /

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Der Brief besteht aus einem Bogen mittelstarkem, weißem Papier im Format 285 × 224 mm. Liebknecht hat alle vier Seiten vollständig beschrieben, die letzte Passage steht auf der ersten Seite oben links. Schreibmaterial: schwarze Tinte.

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Anmerkungen zum Brief

Die Jahresangabe 1866 stützt sich auf die Tatsache, dass Liebknecht hier offensichtlich Marx’ Brief vom 6. April 1866 (Marx an W. Liebknecht, 6.4.1866) beantwortet.



Wilhelm Liebknecht an Karl Marx in London. Leipzig, Samstag, 14. April 1866. In: Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe digital. Hg. von der Internationalen Marx-Engels-Stiftung. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. URL: http://megadigital.bbaw.de/briefe/detail.xql?id=M0000092. Abgerufen am 20.04.2024.