Berlin, 21 Jan.

Dear Williams

I arrived here yesterday and found the people very perplexed in consequence of the arrival of a wrongly addressed Number of the Beehive together with 6 cards, and of the nonarrival of the promised et long expected letter—the wrong address of the packet causing the fear, that the letter might have got in the Dead letter office, where it would have to be opened. The address of Meyer is not Rotherstrasse 6, but Ritter (Ritter-) strasse 6. However as Meyer will leave Berlin soon, and as many addresses are apt to occasion desagreable imbroglios, you had best in future to address all letters etc. to: August Vogt, Mathieustraße (Mathieustrasse) 16 (sixteen). Of any change of the address you will be duly informed.

The money for the six cards sent here as well as for those sent to me you will receive in a short time; and more shall be asked for then.

According to the late decisions of the Prussian Courts of Justice only individual | membership is possible, but that is no obstacle. Only good and useful members will be sought, who are able to explain principles; if possible, a deputy will be sent to the congress. It is a money question.

By the by it would be good, if the manifest and statutes of the I. A. were printed in German as a small brochure. Have you a copy of the numbers of the Social Democrat containing the Manifest and the Rules? And could you send them here with your corrections? It would be printed here, and no doubt bring part of the necessary funds.

About Leipzig I shall write when I have returned there.

Many Grüsse from the friends and your

J. Miller.

In your letter (which ought to be copied by Jane) you must give full and clear particulars about the organisation and aims of the I. A. and in fact, you must write it so, that it can be shown about, and used for propa | gandistic purposes. However you will know yourself what is to the point.

Remember me to your family.

I shall be back in Leipzig in two days.

Zeugenbeschreibung und Überlieferung



Der Brief besteht aus einem Bogen mittelstarkem, weißem Papier im Format 284 × 220 mm. Die ersten zwei Seiten hat Liebknecht vollständig beschrieben, auf der dritten stehen nur vier Zeilen , die vierte ist leer. Schreibmaterial: schwarze Tinte und Bleistift (die letzte Passage).

Von unbekannter Hand (vermutlich von D. B. Rjazanov): auf der ersten Seite oben rechts mit Blaustift die Jahresangabe „1866?“, korrigiert in „1865?“.


Anmerkungen zum Brief

Die Jahresangabe stützt sich auf den Zusammenhang des Briefes mit den Briefen von Sigfrid Meyer an Liebknecht, 18. Januar 1866 (Kopie: RGASPI, Sign. f. 200, op. 4, d. 185 ) und Sigfrid Meyer an Liebknecht, 19. Januar 1866 (Kopie: RGASPI, Sign. f. 200, op. 4, d. 187) sowie von Marx an Meyer, 24.1.1866.



Wilhelm Liebknecht an Karl Marx in London. Berlin, Sonntag, 21. Januar 1866. In: Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe digital. Hg. von der Internationalen Marx-Engels-Stiftung. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. URL: Abgerufen am 19.04.2024.