| 25, Rue des Saints-Pères
October 26th/68.

My dear Challey,

As I had a good many letters to write since  Paul und Laura Lafargue waren am 17. Oktober 1868 nach Paris abgereist. Siehe Marx an Engels, 15.10.1868 („Uebermorgen reist die family Lafargue ab nach Paris.“).
our arrival at Paris
, I put off writing to you the first few days, thinking that my old master would be, of all my correspondents, the most likely to take my silence in good part, & not to grieve over-much at it. But by this time I am quite ready to have a little epistolary chat with him & hope he will keep one of his ears open for me, but not the deaf one.

 Die Beilage ist nicht überliefert.
Enclosed is the letter you desired
; Schily is against taking possession of the copies of  Karl Marx: Misère de la philosophie. Réponse à la philosophie de la misère de M. Proudhon. Paris, Bruxelles 1847.
your book
before having fuller information as to the contract existing between  Siehe Marx an Engels, 15.10.1868 und Erl.
Frank & his successors

The old gentleman was as usual | very amiable, but seems a little nettled at the interruption of your correspondence with him. He is not much brighter than he was six month ago. I rather fancy he has been indulging more than was good for him in domino-playing.

As regards the sending over of our boxes, I am much obliged to mama for inquiring about the best mode of doing so, but for the present they must remain in London. The fact is, that we may have to stop in our present apartments much longer than we expected, Siehe Erl. zu Marx an Engels, 23.8.1866.
for Paul’s prospects with regard to getting his diploma
here are as yet quite problematical. In the first place he must have an interview with Duruy & his “sub”, to state his desire to work for his diploma in Paris. The Permission to do so depends not on the decision of the minister alone but on that of the | Conseil academique which does not meet before December. Should this permission be withheld, Paul would have to pass his examinations in some other town of France. Thus, you see, whatever turn things may take, we shall be in the dark respecting them for some time to come. It would therefore, as Paul’s father wishes, be absurd to furnish a set of rooms when we might perhaps have to sell our furniture a few months after having bought it.

What news at home? How about the  Die britischen Unterhauswahlen vom 17. November bis 7. Dezember 1868.
English elections
? The French newspapers give no news from abroad except from Spain. The “Univers” is highly amusing in its outbreaks against the revolution there. It denies that it is a popular one, says that Spain is being victimised by ten Thieves, & styles Prim “son domestique endimanché”. In its | opinion, the most shameful fact of this glorious 19th century is the calling of Prim upon Girardin to new-model the country of the Cid, of St. Ferdinand & Charles the 5th.

 Siehe H. Jung an Marx, 19.10.1868.
And so the shouts of Le Lubez & Consorts
have ended in the customary whisper. I was expecting news to that effect & was very glad that you had allowed them to let off their pop-guns unnoticed.

How is everybody at home? I hope the little sprat is quite well again & quite equal to her physiology & the rest of her arduous studies. I wish some good wind would take it into its head to flow you over here: Up to the present it has only succeeded in giving me a cold, which, Paul says, is making me very stupid.

And now goodby, my dear little Mr Marx (as  Avelin Manning – Bekannte der Töchter von Marx.
says,) for today.

I am Your affectionate

Zeugenbeschreibung und Überlieferung



Der Brief besteht aus einem Bogen dünnem, weißem Papier im Format 265 × 210 mm. Alle vier Seiten hat Laura Lafargue vollständig beschrieben. Schreibmaterial: schwarze Tinte.

Archivsignatur „q.67“ auf der ersten und zweiten Seite oben links.

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Die Beilage („Enclosed is the letter you desired“) ist nicht überliefert.



Laura Lafargue an Karl Marx in London. Paris, Montag, 26. Oktober 1868. In: Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe digital. Hg. von der Internationalen Marx-Engels-Stiftung. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. URL: http://megadigital.bbaw.de/briefe/detail.xql?id=M0000805. Abgerufen am 17.04.2024.