| My dear Challey

I write a line to tell you that  Siehe Marx an Engels, 4.8.1868.
we have arrived safe & sound
. The latter part of our journey was exceedingly pleasant but the first was one series of misadventures of which I will give you a short account so that you may benefit by our experience, for I have not yet given up the hope of having you & Helen here with us, if only for a few days. During the journey from Camden Town to Blackwall we had excitements to last us | for half a year. Three times—first at Dalston then at Bow, & again at Stepney we had to change carriages—no easy matter with 4 boxes, which Paul had the greatest difficulty in securing, the train only resting about 3 minutes at each station & the porters being disobliging & slow. However after much ado we reached Blackwall where new trials were in store for us. “The Boat for Ramsgate, the guard said is already gone—on Fridays there is no eleven o’clock packet & there will be no other boat | to-day. You must go back to Fenchurch Street & from thence to Thames Haven. So you see we were cheated out of our row up the river & had to pay 4 shillings instead of 2.6.

The journey in the boat was lovely—the sun shone brightly, there were few passengers–we were all of us in high glee.

 Siehe Marx an Engels, 4.8.1868.
On landing we soon saw Möhme
, who at once took us to our lodgings which are in a nice quiet street, not over shop, | & though small, clean & pretty.

The others are already on the sands—the sun is also calling me out. So good bye dear Mohr & do not forget to follow my advice, if you come do not follow a plan mapped out for you, but enquire yourself at the station about the boats & then paddle your own canoe!

My love to dear Helen & many kisses to yourself

from your affectionate,
Slow coach.

Laura & Tussy are looking very well after the journey.

Zeugenbeschreibung und Überlieferung



Der Brief besteht aus einem Bogen mittelstarkem, weißem Papier im Format 180 × 113 mm. Alle vier Seiten hat Jenny Marx (Tochter) vollständig beschrieben. Schreibmaterial: schwarze Tinte.

Von unbekannter Hand: auf der ersten Seite oben links Bleistiftvermerk „19 L 8“.

Anmerkungen zum Brief

Datierung der Erstveröffentlichung: 7. August 1868.

Zur Datierung: Marx’ Töchter und Paul Lafargue sind am Mittwoch, den 5. August aus London nach Ramsgate abgereist (siehe Marx an Engels, 4.8.1868: „Meine Frau ist Montag voraus nach Ramsgate Quartier machen. Die Bande folgt Morgen nach.“). Die Datierung stützt sich auf den Inhalt des Briefes von Jenny Marx (Tochter), der frühestens am Tag ihrer Ankunft in Ramsgate, vermutlich am Freitag, den 7. August, geschrieben werden konnte (“However after much ado we reached Blackwall where new trials were in store for us. 'The Boat for Ramsgate' the guard said 'is already gone'—on Fridays there is no eleven o’clock packet & there will be no other boat to-day. You must go back to Fenchurch Street & from thence to Thames Haven. So you see we were cheated out of our row up the river & had to pay 4 shillings instead of 2.6.”).



Jenny Marx (Tochter) an Karl Marx in London. Ramsgate, Freitag, 7. August 1868. In: Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe digital. Hg. von der Internationalen Marx-Engels-Stiftung. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. URL: http://megadigital.bbaw.de/briefe/detail.xql?id=M0000705. Abgerufen am 19.04.2024.