| 4 Charles Street.
Northampton Square.

Dear Marx.

This morning I received  Der Brief von Victor Le Lubez an Hermann Jung, geschrieben vor dem 18. Mai 1868, konnte nicht ermittelt werden.
this letter from Le Lubez
& as I shall not be able to attend our meeting, (having to wait upon the City boot-makers with a view of getting  Zum Streik der Bauarbeiter in Genf im Mätz-April 1868 siehe Marx an Engels, 11.4.1868 und Erl.
money for our Geneva friends
) I hope you will be  Vermutlich behandelte der Generalrat der IAA dieses Problem in seiner Sitzung am 26. Mai 1868 (Meeting of the General Council May 26, 1868. In: MEGA2 I/21. S. 562.9–14).
there to prevent
the council from taking any steps in the matter and enable L.L. to make a capital of it.

I ansered LL’s letter in the following manner:

Citizen Le Lubez.

It would be useless for me to attempt to get funds, in my individual capacity, however much I might sympathize with the belgian miners; it is only when representing the I.W.M.A. that I can hope to meet | with success & as I have no right to represent the said association without a proper authorization from the general council you will see at once that I could not wait upon the trades council or any society without having been first appointed by the general council; the council meets to morrow, if you think it worth your while to lay the case before the members, do so, only I must remind you, en passant, that the belgian committee of the association have made no appeal for funds & that unless such an appeal be made directly from that committee to the general council I fear the members of this latter will not even take your demand in consideration. I shall not be able to attend on a council meeting to morrow as I have to wait upon a society, for the Geneva lock out, so I thought it my duty to tell you how very unsatisfactory I considered the result of your mission would be.

I had no time to tell him more & I think he will understand that in order to get money | the appeal must be made from the proper quarter in Belgium to the proper quarter in London & not “d’un sauteur à un autre”.

I shall see you on  20. Mai 1868.
& en attendant remember me very kindly to Madame Marx, Miss Jenny,  Eleanor Marx.
, Laura & her  Paul Lafargue.
& Hellen & believe me

truly yours
Hn Jung.

18 May 1868

Zeugenbeschreibung und Überlieferung

Dieser Brief wird hier erstmals veröffentlicht.



Der Brief besteht aus zwei Blatt mittelstarkem, blauem Papier im Format 114 × 187 bzw. 112 × 188 mm. Die ersten zwei Seiten hat Jung vollständig beschrieben, die dritte zu drei Vierteln, die vierte Seite ist leer. Schreibmaterial: schwarze Tinte.

Archivsignatur des Moskauer Marx-Engels-Instituts (IMĖ): „Rj 28a-c“.

Die Schreibweise wurde nicht berichtigt.

Anmerkungen zum Brief

Über die Beilage („this letter from Le Lubez“) siehe Erl.



Hermann Jung an Karl Marx in London. London, Montag, 18. Mai 1868. In: Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe digital. Hg. von der Internationalen Marx-Engels-Stiftung. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. URL: http://megadigital.bbaw.de/briefe/detail.xql?id=M0000640. Abgerufen am 24.04.2024.