| Modena Villas.
March 20th/66.

My dear Challey,

It just strikes me that you have had a few lines from each member of this “happy family” excepting only myself. Now, that you may not think me altogether a bad lot, I send this scrap, as a P.S. to   Möhme – familiäre Bezeichnung für Jenny Marx. – Der Brief von Jenny Marx an Marx, geschrieben wahrscheinlich auch am 20. März 1866, ist nicht überliefert (J. Marx an Marx, 20.3.1866).
Möhme’s letter,
just to say that I hope you are by this time perfectly well, & that  Marx wurde für Donnerstag, den 22. März 1866 zu einer Feier seiner Töchter in London erwartet. Siehe Marx an L. Marx, 20.3.1866 und Marx an Engels, 24.3.1866.
if you give us no opportunity (on Thursday) of judging with our own eyes of your improvement I shall think you the most “pathetical breakpromise”.

My dear Challey, if the weather plays you the tricks abroad that it plays us at home how frightfully cold you must at this moment be, & how often you must already have cursed the spirit of adventure, or rather the demon of carbuncles, that drove you forth! Not but that I dare say you: fully appreciate such pieces of romance  Siehe Marx an J. Marx, 16.3.1866.
as that of the deaf-blind man which homekeeping would have deprived you of.

 Siehe K. Kaub an Familie Marx, 17.3.1866.
We have received a letter from Kaub.
I dare say that all you think of him is right enough & that he is as honest & goodnatured as you pretend, but for his wits—oh, lord, Sir!

 Laura Marx beschreibt die Vorbereitungen für den Abend am 22. März 1866. Siehe Erl. zu L. Marx an Marx, 20.3.1866.
You will believe that all here, at present, is uproar & confusion. What with preparations for the wellbeing of the “inner men” of our expected guests & speculations as to how best bring together a certain daughter of one celebrated man with a certain nephew of another celebrated man & how best | to keep asunder the last said individual & the Lady of the Golden Locks & a hundred other considerations we are working ourselves up into an odd kind of excitement.

Goodbye dear Challey, I have scribbled on because I know you have nothing better just now to do than to kill time & this scrawl will annihilate 5 minutes for you. They will die slowly enough I have no doubt but they will die & that is a comfort.

This paper please give to the sharks or porpoises with my respects. They know me of old.

Your affectionate Krou Kleerou.

Excuse this frightful untidiness.  Helena Demuth.
hurries me so to post this.

Zeugenbeschreibung und Überlieferung




Der Brief besteht aus einem Bogen dünnem, weißem Papier im Format 267 × 212 mm. Laura Marx hat alle vier Seiten vollständig beschrieben. Schreibmaterial: schwarze Tinte.

Archivsignatur auf der ersten und zweiten Seite oben links: „G. 64“.

Anmerkungen zum Brief

Marx beantwortete den Brief am 20. März 1866 (Marx an Laura Marx, 20.3.1866).



Laura Marx an Karl Marx in Margate. London, Dienstag, 20. März 1866. In: Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe digital. Hg. von der Internationalen Marx-Engels-Stiftung. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. URL: http://megadigital.bbaw.de/briefe/detail.xql?id=M0000072. Abgerufen am 19.04.2024.