| Hanover, 13 Mai, 1867.

My pretty little Cacadou,

My best thanks  Siehe L. Marx an Marx, 8.5.1867 „they have spoken for themselves“.
for your letter, and that of the worthy Quoquo
. You complain that I had given no signs of life, but on reviewing the question you will find that, on the whole, I have given weekly signals. Moreover, you know that I am not of a very “demonstrative” character, of rather retiring habitudes, a slow writer, a clumsy sort of man, or, as Quoquo has it, an anxious man.

 15. Mai 1867.
I shall leave Hanover the day after tomorrow
, and probably leave Hamburg by first steamer for London. Yet, you must not expect me to settle the day and the hour. I have still some business to transact with  Otto Meißner. Siehe Marx an J. Ph. Becker, zw. 9. u. 15.1.1867.
my publisher
. At all events,  Siehe Marx an Engels, 13.4.1867 und Erl.
this is the last week of my continental stay

I am very glad that   Siehe Marx an J. Marx (Tochter), 5.5.1867 und Erl. sowie J. Marx (Tochter) an Marx, 8.5.1867 und L. Marx an Marx, 8.5.1867.
my photogramm
has met with such good reception. The shadow is at all events less troublesome than the original.

  Siehe L. Marx an Marx, 8.5.1867.
As to Mrs Tenge, I wonder that you ask me how she looks, whether she is pretty?
 Siehe Marx an J. Marx (Tochter), 5.5.1867 und Erl.
I have sent you Jenny her photogram, hidden behind my own.
How could it have been lost? Now, to answer your questions, she is 33 years of age, mother of 5 children, rather interesting than pretty, and certainly no professional wit. But she is a superior woman. As to “flirting”, he would be rather a bold man who were to try it. As to “admiration”, I owe it, and there may, perhaps, have been, on her side, some overestimation of your most humble and “modest” master. You know, if no one is a prophet on his own dunghill (speaking symbolically), people are easily overvalued by strangers who, legen sie nicht aus, so legen sie doch unter, and find what they were resolved upon to find in a fellah. She has left Hanover Thursday last.

| Eight days since, the weather was still frosty and rainy. Now summer has at once burst into full bloom. On the whole, the weather, since my departure, was here as bad and changeable as it used to be in London. Only, and this is a great thing, the air is thinner.

These continentals have an easier life of it that we on the other side of the Northern sea. With 2000 Thaler (300 £) you can live here most comfortably. For inst., there exist here different gardens (à la   Cremorne Gardens – 1845-1877 Vergnügungspark im Londoner Stadtteil Chelsea.
, but for // “respectable”, and where all sort of people meet), much more artistically arranged than any in London, good music being played every evening etc, where you can subscribe for self and family—for the whole year—at the price of 2 Thalers, 6 sh.! This is only a specimen of the cheap life the Philister indulge in at this place. Young people amuse themselves more freely and at almost no expence, comparatively speaking. There is of course one great drawback—the atmosphere is pregnant with dullness. The standard of existence is too small. It is a lot of pigmees amongst whom you want no very high frame to feel  Anspielung auf das Kapitel „A Voyage to Lilliput“ aus dem Roman „Gulliver's Travels“ von Jonathan Swift.
like Gulliver amidst the Lilliputians

There arrive this morning rather “excited” letters from Berlin. It seems that a collision between the workmen and the Pickelhauben is apprehended. I do not expect much for the present, but there is something brewing. The working class, in the greater centres of Germany, are commencing to assume a more decided and threatening attitude. One fine morning there will be a nice dance!

And now my dear little birdseye, Cacadou, secretary, cook, equestrian, poet, auf Wiedersehn. Viele Gruesse an  Jenny Marx.
,  Eleanor Marx.
and  Jenny Marx (Tochter).
,  Helena Demuth.
, and last not least,  Paul Lafargue. Anspielung auf den Roman „Our Mutual Friend“ von Charles Dickens.
our | “ medical mutual friend


Your master
Old Nick.

 Siehe die Abbildung der überlieferten Beilage und ZB. Siehe auch J. Marx (Tochter) an Marx, 28.4.1867 und Erl. sowie Marx an J. Marx (Tochter), 5.5.1867 und Erl. 
Enclosed Hegel
, presented by Kugelm. to Mons. Lafargue.

Zeugenbeschreibung und Überlieferung




Der Brief besteht aus einem Bogen mittelstarkem, weißem Papier im Format 218 × 283 mm. Prägung: „Dr. L. Kglm.“ Marx hat die ersten zwei Seiten vollständig beschrieben, auf der dritten Seite stehen nur 5 Zeilen, die vierte Seite ist leer. Schreibmaterial: schwarze Tinte.

Von unbekannter Hand: auf der ersten Seite oben mit Blaustift die Vermerke: „3“ (umgerandet) und „– 3“.

Anmerkungen zum Brief

Marx beantwortet Lauras Brief vom 8. Mai 1867 (L. Marx an Marx, 8.5.1867).

Dem Brief lag ein Foto von Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel bei. Das Foto von Hegel siehe Abbildung.

Beschreibung des beigelegten Fotos:

Foto von Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. o.D.

RGASPI, Sign. f. 389, op. 1, d. 99. Bl. 39. Positiv-Original. 6,2 × 10 cm, angefertigt nach einem Stich von Bollinger. Auf der Rückseite die Widmung von Louis Kugelmann: „Au cher confrère Mr Lafargue offert par L Kugelmann Dr Hannovre, 13/5 1867“ und von unbekannter Hand mit schwarzem Stift: „Hegel“ und „46“.

Siehe auch Familie Marx privat (2005). S. 110.



Karl Marx an Laura Marx in London. Hannover, Montag, 13. Mai 1867. In: Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe digital. Hg. von der Internationalen Marx-Engels-Stiftung. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. URL: http://megadigital.bbaw.de/briefe/detail.xql?id=M0000268. Abgerufen am 19.04.2024.